Modern Marines Part 3 (Infantry Squads)

28 Aug

So, on to the next batch. This time it is the infantry squads or fire teams. I assume everyone knows what they do, so I will mostly let the pictures do the talking. The minis are either Devil Dog Designs (DDD) or Black Scorpion (BS, yes I know about the double meaning of tis abbreviation). If a squad has minis from different manufacturers, I will list them left to right.

USMC squad (DDD, 3x BS)

USMC squad (DDD, 3x BS)

USMC squad (all DDD)

USMC squad (all DDD)

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all DDD)

USMC squad (all DDD)

USMC squad (DDD, 3x BS)

USMC squad (DDD, 3x BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

Now the next squad is a bit of an oddity. A couple of years ago I painted up the whole DDD range of Marines in woodland BDU´s. Just after I was finished, the Corps changed to MARPAT, which I found much cooler. So I sold my painted minis off and started anew. With the exception of the minis below. These are wearing NBC suits, which were still in a 4 tone woodland scheme, which is why I kept them. Gas masks were sculpted on by me. I recently got a Marine in NBC suit with a Stinger launcher from Eureka. He will act as a replacement for the soldier with the AT-4 in games where I need a little anti-aircraft capability.

USMC squad (all DDD)

USMC squad (all DDD)

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

The squad leader (guy with the cigar) in the next picture won a price in a Black Scorpion painting competition a couple of years ago for the rendition of MARPAT.

USMC squad (all BS)

USMC squad (all BS)

So this is it. I shall try to take some pictures of my Marine vehicles, to post those, too. But if the weather remains as poor as it is right now, that may take a while.


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