Category Archives: Lannister

A song of ice and fire… Lannisters

A song of ice and fire… Lannisters

I am a big fan of a song of ice and fire… much more so of the books than the TV show (although the first 4-5 seasons were great). So when they announced a tabletop game to go with the books, I decided to pledge on the Kickstarter.

Unfortunately it took me a while until I found the time to start painting. But here are the first few steps. I tried to keep these simple and fast (no clean up before painting, simpler paint jobs with less detail), I still wanted to paint them according to the description in the books (with some artistic license), so I had to find they still took some more time to get done than I had wanted.

Anyway… here are the Lannisters I have done so far. No further comments. I hope the photos speak for themselves.

Tyrion and Jamie Lannister
The Great Sparrow, Grandmaster Pycelle, Cercei Lannister and Tywin Lannister
Sandor Clegane and Gregor Clegane
Champion of the faith and Mountains Men Captain

Horrible sculpt on the face of the left hand Mini to begin with.

The Mountain that rides
The Mountain that rides
The Mountain that rides
Kingsguard and King Joffrey
King Joffrey (back)
Warriors Sons
Poor Fellows
Mountains Men I
Mountains Men II
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Posted by on June 13, 2020 in A Song Of Ice And Fire, Fantasy, Lannister