Category Archives: Neutrals

Targaryen Heroes, Swordmasters and some Zorse Riders

Targaryen Heroes, Swordmasters and some Zorse Riders

As my ongoing side project, I managed to put some work into my units for A Song Of Ice And Fire (ASOIAF). As long time readers of this blog will know, I (usually) only play with painted units. Usually, because ASOIAF is the exception. But that does not mean, that I do not try to have as much painted as possible. With Lannisters still being seven units shy of being fully painted, but my Targaryens being up to date, the later and the Neutrals will see the most love when I find the time to paint a unit now and then.

The Characters have been painted according to their descriptions in the books. The one who gave me some food for thought was Her Baristan Selmy. The books give no mention of his shield after he joined Daenerys, but the shield he carries rather looks like it requires a sigil. So I wondered if it would be the Sigil of the Selmys or House Targaryen. In the end I settled for the later, since it provided a better contrast with his otherwise light colours.

Ser Jeorah Mormont, Strong Belwas and Ser Baristan Selmy
Ser Jeorah Mormont, Strong Belwas and Ser Baristan Selmy
Unsullied Swordmaster Captain, Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Pyat Pree and Grey Worm

The Unsullied Swordmaster were also done according to the books, as far as they are described. I gave them bronze armour, although a very dark one and black tunics to give them a generally menacing look. I also gave them a varied skin colour to underline that these were slaves bought from all kinds of places. The only downside is that the black skin of some of them (like the Captain above) provides very little contrast to the rest of the minis.

Unsullied Swordmasters

Unsullied Swordmasters

Unsullied Swordmasters
Unsullied Swordmasters

Last for now are the Brave Companions (aka Bloody Murmurs) Zorse riders. I went a bit wild with their clothes and make-up to give them the motley looks they are attributed with in the books. They were fun to paint, but took relatively long for a four miniature unit. For that reason I am not exactly looking forward to their twelve men infantry unit.

Brave Companions (aka Bloody Murmurs) Zorse riders
Brave Companions (aka Bloody Murmurs) Zorse riders [front rank in focus]
Brave Companions (aka Bloody Murmurs) Zorse riders [rear rank in focus]

A song of ice and fire… Neutrals

A song of ice and fire… Neutrals

Following on the heels of the Lannisters I did show you before, here are the Neutrals I have done so far. Again… simple paint jobs following the colours described in the books. And just photos to speak for themselves.

Vargo „The goat“ Hoat, Peter „Littlefinger“ Baelish, Lord Varys and Walder „The Weddingplaner“ Frey
Roose Bolton, Ramsey Snow „The Bastard of Bolton“ and Theon „Reek“ Greyjoy
Brienne „The Maiden of Tarth“ and Bronn „Lord of lofty titles“
Tycho Nestoris, Dario Naharis, Jaqen H‘Ghar
Bastards Girls
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Posted by on June 14, 2020 in Neutrals