US Army WWII Recce Jeeps

26 May

While I had been planning to show some pictures of the finished bases for the Napoleonic models from my last post today… well they are not finished yet. But I still felt like posting something, so I took a look around and went for some of my favourite WWII models.

These were actually done in 2009 and they hold a special place for me, since these were the first models to get me into the main group of the Steve Dean Painting competition. The jeeps themselves are die-casts from a German company called Schuco. These were converted using parts from Victory Force miniatures. These included the wire cutter, MG´s, radio and stowage. They were then repainted and dirtied up using my airbrush.  The crews are from Victory Force as well. As far as I know those crews were meant for Corgi models but they just fit like a glove.

Recce Jeeps

Recce Jeeps

Recce Jeeps

Recce Jeeps

Those small US flags you see on the windscreens are decals. When the jeeps (and other vehicles for that matter) were readied for the invasion of Normandy they got these stickers, which included waterproofing instructions and a checklist on one side and had the US flag on the other side. Some crews removed these when on dry land, others left them. I felt that these would be a nice touch, so I added these.

These Jeeps were painted in one go with three half-tracks and I will try to take a few pictures of those to post them here soon.


3 responses to “US Army WWII Recce Jeeps

  1. Allan

    May 26, 2011 at 11:53

    Big Wow!

    Got to say it is guys like you that are converting me to 20m gaming.




    • Burkhard

      May 26, 2011 at 12:21

      Do not convert… these are 28mm, too! It is all propaganda that tells you these things can only be done in 20mm! 😉


  2. Christopher Sliter(Axebreaker)

    May 26, 2011 at 18:38

    Great looking Jeeps and the weathering really turned out nice!




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