Victory Europe Day

08 May

Last summer I was on a business trip to Berlin and staying in a hotel on Alexanderplatz. Now my room was in the twenty-sometingth floor and offered a magnificent view to the north and east since there were no taller buildings in those directions. I had to get up early the next morning and was able to see the sun rise over Berlin from my room. And I could not help thinking how different this vista must have looked in early May 1945. OK, only birds would have the same vista since the building had not been build back then, but you know what I mean. The fire, the smoke, the explosions, tanks advancing over the wide avenues. It is strange how such a nice view can give you such strange thoughts if you are historically educated. And how much our lives have changed over the past 67 years.

What I was reminded of were the photographs by Sergey Larenkov. He took photos of Berlin in 2010 and combined them with photos taken by warphotographers (from the same spots and angles). I decded to share them with you on this day and here are his works:

Берлин, 1945/2010. Плоцадь Большой Звезды. Berlin, 1945/2010. Grosser Stern platz

Берлин, 1945/2010. Плоцадь Большой Звезды
Berlin, 1945/2010. Grosser Stern Platz

Берлин, 1945/2010, Мехрингдамм. Berlin, 1945/2010, Mehringdamm

Берлин, 1945/2010, Мехрингдамм
Berlin, 1945/2010, Mehringdamm

 Берлин 1945/2010 Бой у станции метро Франкфуртер аллее.  Berlin 1945/2010 Fight at U-bahn station Frankfurter Allee.  Berlin 1945/2010 Der Kampf bei der U-Bahnhof Frankfurter Allee

Берлин 1945/2010 Бой у станции метро Франкфуртер аллее.
Berlin 1945/2010 Fight at U-bahn station Frankfurter Allee.
Berlin 1945/2010 Der Kampf bei der U-Bahnhof Frankfurter Allee

Мир — добродетель цивилизации, война — ее преступление. Виктор Гюго  Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime. Victor Hugo [Infront of the Reichstag]

Мир — добродетель цивилизации, война — ее преступление. Виктор Гюго
Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime. Victor Hugo
[Infront of the Reichstag]

Берлин 1945/2010. Солдат-победитель.  Berlin 1945/2010. Soldier-winner. He walked to victory four years, he lost many comrades.

Берлин 1945/2010. Солдат-победитель.
Berlin 1945/2010. Soldier-winner. He walked to victory four years, he lost many comrades.
[Again infront of the Reichstag]

 Берлин 1945/2010. Подбитый танк "Тигр" в парке Тиргартен.  Berlin 1945/2010. Wrecked tank "Tiger" in Tiergarten park.

Берлин 1945/2010. Подбитый танк “Тигр” в парке Тиргартен.
Berlin 1945/2010. Wrecked tank “Tiger” in Tiergarten park.

Регулировщица на площади у Бранденбургских ворот.

Регулировщица на площади у Бранденбургских ворот.
[Unter den Linden]

Штурм Рейхстага

Штурм Рейхстага

He has done similar shots from Moscow, Leningrad / St. Petersburg (his hometown), Normandy, Prague, Vienna, Vyborgand other places and cities from the WWII era. I highly recommend checking his site out, but here are some of my favourites (which are milestones on the way to VE-Day, so they are fitting IMHO)

1941/2010 Москва. "Националь". 1941/2010 Moscow. Hotel National

1941/2010 Москва. “Националь”.
1941/2010 Moscow. Hotel National


Выборг 1944/2011 Пересечение проспекта Ленина и Ленинградского проспекта. Танк Т-34 с поврежденным катком. Vyborg 1944/2011 T-34 tank with a damaged roller is moving on the street.

Выборг 1944/2011 Пересечение проспекта Ленина и Ленинградского проспекта. Танк Т-34 с поврежденным катком.
Vyborg 1944/2011 T-34 tank with a damaged roller is moving on the street.

Санкт-Петербург 1910-е/2012 Боровая улица St.Petersburg 1910/2012 Borovaya st.

Санкт-Петербург 1910-е/2012 Боровая улица
St.Petersburg 1910/2012 Borovaya st.

Гатчина (Красногвардейск) 1942-2011 Соборная улица Gatchina 1942-2011 Sobornaya Street

Гатчина (Красногвардейск) 1942-2011 Соборная улица
Gatchina 1942-2011 Sobornaya Street

1941/2010 Москва. Большой Устьинский мост 1941/2010 Moscow

1941/2010 Москва. Большой Устьинский мост
1941/2010 Moscow

Терийоки / Зеленогорск, 1939/2011. Разрушенный железнодорожный мост. Soviet-Finnish War(1939-1940). Destroyed railway bridge in Terijoki / Zelenogorsk, 1939/2011

Терийоки / Зеленогорск, 1939/2011. Разрушенный железнодорожный мост.
Soviet-Finnish War(1939-1940).
Destroyed railway bridge in Terijoki / Zelenogorsk, 1939/2011

Оборона Москвы, 1941/2009. Ленинский, 28. Противотанковые надолбы. Defense of Moscow.1941/2009. Anti-tank obstacles.

Оборона Москвы, 1941/2009. Ленинский, 28. Противотанковые надолбы.
Defense of Moscow.1941/2009. Anti-tank obstacles.

June 6, 1944, D-day, Normandy. The landing of US troops on Omaha beach. Нормандия, 6 июня 1944. Высадка американских десантников на пляже Омаха.

June 6, 1944, D-day, Normandy. The landing of US troops on Omaha beach.
Нормандия, 6 июня 1944. Высадка американских десантников на пляже Омаха.

 D-day, June 6, 1944, Normandy. The landing of US troops on Omaha beach. Monument "Les Braves", Omaha beach, 2010. 6 июня 1944, Нормандия. Высадка американских десантников на пляже Омаха. Памятник на месте высадки, 2010.

D-day, June 6, 1944, Normandy. The landing of US troops on Omaha beach. Monument “Les Braves”, Omaha beach, 2010.
6 июня 1944, Нормандия. Высадка американских десантников на пляже Омаха. Памятник на месте высадки, 2010.


Posted by on May 8, 2012 in Historic research


8 responses to “Victory Europe Day

  1. The Angry Lurker

    May 8, 2012 at 12:58

    Those are truly amazing especially the soviets and the underground station steps…..


  2. bigredbat

    May 8, 2012 at 13:52

    What a brilliant idea with the photos! Fascinating. Cant have been easy to locate the exact spots where the originals were taken.

    Cheers, Simon


  3. Rosbif

    May 9, 2012 at 03:59

    They are truly spooky photos!


  4. Burkhard

    May 9, 2012 at 08:44

    I agree… they are both amazing and spooky. I wonder how we would feel if we really knew what happend years on a given spot we walk by every day.
    When I was in my internship our group did a one week trip to Budapest. One of the other knew that I was into history and that I had read up a book on the battle for Budapest before we left. On the last day when we were walking from our hotel to thr tram he asked me if there was anything special about the area where we had stayed. So I told him that there had been a Jewish orphanage on the spot where our hotel now stood and that the small square we were just walking that moment had been used to shoot its inhabitants. It was kind of spooky, him asking that very moment. Somewhat like spectres on those photos above.


  5. Ray

    May 9, 2012 at 09:44

    Excellent photos, very spooky and eerie!!


  6. Monty

    May 10, 2012 at 00:15

    Thanks for sharing. Very powerful and what a clever way to take us from the now to that moment frozen in time.


  7. NH Mallett

    June 6, 2012 at 19:36

    Astounding photos! Thanks for brining them to more people’s attention!


    • Burkhard

      June 6, 2012 at 20:11

      THX to everyone… glad you liked them!



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