French Officers

22 Mar

So I am still catching up on my Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge entries. Today it is French officers. First is a French colonel from Victrix. And I have to say… for me this is one of the top five Napoleonic minis around if not the best. There is so much character in that minis especially if combined with the prancing horse from the set, you just have to love that mini! It just scream smug aristocratic officer. And I loved it. It is meant to represent a French General de Brigade for my Möckern project. Yes, I know this is a colonel’s uniform, but I simply had to realise I did not have enough minis with the right uniform around so this will have to do. I also added a Grenadier Porte Fannion (Perry) to the base to make sure he does not look too alone.

French Colonel (Victrix)

French Colonel (Victrix)

French Colonel (Victrix)

French Colonel (Victrix)

French Colonel (Victrix)

French Colonel (Victrix)

The other base is a French General de Division and his aide. His is meant to represent Général de division Count Joseph Lagrange who commanded the French 21st Division at Leipzig. The mini is actually a Marechal painted up to represent a GdD. Both he and his aide are Perry Miniatures.

These actually presented me with an interesting problem. I had originally meant the two officers to be facing one another. But the big problem was the base size. I always ended up with the General pushing his bicorn into his aides face. But after a few attempts to rearrange them, I found a way to keep them both on the same base and still look good.

French GdD

French GdD

French GdD

French GdD

French GdD

French GdD

I really enjoyed painting these Frenchmen. One thing I really love to do is paint NMM gold. Now over the past few months I only painted French Légère and Prussians and while those have a lot of silver in their clothing… no gold. But about no one sports more gold than French officers so this was a great remedy!


10 responses to “French Officers

  1. Dalauppror

    March 22, 2013 at 09:19

    Great paint work !!!

    Love the bases to!

    Best regards Michael


    • Burkhard

      March 22, 2013 at 09:47

      Thank you, Michael. Really appreciated!


  2. James Fisher

    March 23, 2013 at 01:00

    You have really made them come to life. Fantastic painting, as usual from you. Thanks for posting the photos.


  3. Phil

    March 28, 2013 at 19:20

    Fantastic! Really impressive, love the faces and the overall presentation!


    • Burkhard

      March 29, 2013 at 18:51

      Thanks a lot, Phil. Both these were good sculpts (especially the faces) and therefore a joy to paint!


  4. Laurens

    June 2, 2013 at 12:58

    Wow splendid looking!
    I’d love to know your recipe for painting the NMM gold!



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