A planning dilemma and a Challenge

18 Nov

Ok, lets start with the Challenge. This weekend Curt from Analogue Hobbies officially announced the fourth instalment of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. As already indicated, I am in. Now the great thing about this years instalment is that we will be allowed SciFi and Fantasy minis as well. I guess I will have no need for the later, but the former will allow me to paint some of my Warzone minis and spread the Tau for Warhammer out a little more. I feel this might be needed. After painting the Pathfinders last week (pictures before the weekend) I realised that the topic of Warhammer does not interest me enough to paint them all in one go.

The other great thing is that there will be some milestones along the way. Essentially if you complete a certain theme by a deadline you will be able to score some extra points. They all seem very sensible, but the first one is giving me some headaches. It is non-combatants and shall be completed by December 22nd. Given that the Challenge starts on December 15th and that I will be off to my better halfs relatives by December 20th this will be tough. Well I could do a single mini, but I am thinking a battery area base for my Napoleonics, which will be a huge undertaking. All in all I am really looking forward to this one. This should allow me to hit the ground (= start the new year) running.


But now on to the dilemma. For me Crisis in Antwerp is the convention of the year where I always try to do a participation game. As I have indicated time and time again, I always try to do something that matches a historical anniversary. Like this years Möckern / Leipzig game for this years show. Now what surprised me, is that I seemed to be the only one doing so at this years show and it got me wondering, if I am overdoing it?
The other thing is, 2015 will mean the bicentennial of The Hundred Days, but right now I am more in a mood to paint Napoleonic Russians than more Prussians, British, Dutch-Belgians, Nassauers, Hannoveranians and so on. So I am really contemplating if a less grand anniversary, like the 70th anniversary of the Battle for Berlin would be a more sensible goal.

Mercer´s Battery (Series 3, Waterloo Collection) ©

Mercer´s Battery
(Series 3, Waterloo Collection)

This is even more so due to the time restrictions. I mean painting Napoleonic armies takes a lot of time (at least for me). I saw that with this years game. Even though I reserved more than two years for the preparations, time still ran away in the end. If it had not, I think I could have spend more time on the terrain and could thus have created a visually more pleasing game. So I am wondering, if it would not be better, to build up some sensible sized Napoleonic forces over the next decade, before tackling something like The Hundred Days? And if it would not be better to concentrate on an era for which I already have enough troops, like the Second World War?

Tiger 100 at Potsdamer Bahnhof

Tiger 100 at Potsdamer Bahnhof

So what is your take on these things? Do you care if a game falls on a big, a minor or no anniversary at all?
Do you think I should ignore The Hundred Days and rather go for Berlin?

Any comments are welcome!


Posted by on November 18, 2013 in General


13 responses to “A planning dilemma and a Challenge

  1. Loki (andrew)

    November 18, 2013 at 13:03

    good luck with the challenge. personally I dont care about the game matching an anniversary, that is just so easy and everyone does it. If you are running a demo it should be about what appeals to you, as the person holding the game needs a level of enthusiasm to engage with the audience


    • Burkhard

      November 18, 2013 at 13:53

      Thank you Andrew.

      That is about what I am feeling as well. At times it can be hard to motivate yourself for something unless your heart is in it 100%! And this is part of the reason I am asking. THX!


  2. monty

    November 18, 2013 at 19:46

    To steal a line, “what does your heart tell you?” I think an anniversary tie in can be great but if not necessary or required. Berlin would be very cool! And good luck in the contest!


    • Burkhard

      November 18, 2013 at 23:42

      Well, I guess my heart would tell me to do Berlin and start building a Russian Napoleonic force and expand the others. Good point, Monty!


  3. Ray

    November 18, 2013 at 22:13

    Yep good luck in the challenge Burkhard!!!


    • Burkhard

      November 18, 2013 at 23:43

      Same to you! Looking forward to crossing my brushes with you and the other guys!


  4. Ian

    November 18, 2013 at 22:17

    Good luck in the challenge. I think the themes will add a lot of interest to the proceeding’s I just need to come up with a few ideas.

    I am doing the Waterloo thing as you know, but with the point of difference that it will not be at a show, just blog based. The thing is that a lot will be doing Waterloo at the shows so doing something else could be the smart move



    • Burkhard

      November 18, 2013 at 23:50

      Same to you! I think the themes are great and a lot of them should fit my schedule!

      Not sure if everyone will be doing Waterloo that year. I was expecting everyone to be doing Leipzig this year, but alas no one did. But Megagmaes did Quatre Bras. 😉


  5. Burkhard

    November 24, 2013 at 18:29

    Well based on everyones comments and following my heart (as Monty suggested) I will go for WWII topics first and build up my Napoleonic forces in the meantime. Thanks for all the input!


  6. Tom Halpin

    December 2, 2013 at 11:30

    I think it will be a shame not to see your Prussians taking Plancenoit as part of the bicentenary of the Battle of La Belle Alliance, but I can also understand your “fatigue”, my friend, and your desire to start on something else…


    • Burkhard

      December 3, 2013 at 15:32

      Well, I would not call it fatigue, just a desire to do things in a way that it more manageable and does not mean as tight timeframes.
      But no worries. Plancenoit will be done, just not for the bicentenary.


  7. vonpeterhimself

    December 14, 2013 at 03:40

    Hello Burkhard

    I’m just a little late here but … perhaps you could paint a few Napoleonic Russians just to scratch that itch. They’ll be immediately usable as they can march & fight with your Prussians which is a big plus.

    Also I’d very much like to see what you would do with them! 8O))

    von Peter himself


    • Burkhard

      December 14, 2013 at 16:01

      vP, that is actually the plan right now.

      I want to beef out the Prussians and French a little more and get started on the Russians as I go. I guess I will sprinkle a few Saxons, Bavarians and British in from time to time, but the Russians tempt me the most right now!



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