5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie

29 Sep

Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie, Knoetel Band XIV, Bild 3

Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie
[Knötel Band XIV, Bild 3]

The latest unit to leave my painting table was the 5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie, again for my Völkerschlacht / Möckern project. Like all the other Landwehr units Landwehr cavalry was raised from those men that were between 17 and 40 years of age and not serving in a regular unit. One interesting fact about them is that they were armed with the lance until 1816. As a result the Prussians even had more cavalry that can be classed at Lancers in the field at Waterloo than the French.

Just like their infantry brethren their training was no worse than with any regular unit, but their equipment often was. So their uniforms were often plainer, with less piping or fringe. [The trooper in the background of the Knötel print is representative of troopers during the 1813 period, while the one in the foreground is representative of the newer uniforms around the time of Waterloo.] tried to depict this here as well, leaving their cuffs in the colour of the coat, which was often the case with the Landwehr cavalry. While most Silesian Landwehr cavalry units used white sheepskin covers as saddle cloths, I intentionally went for black here. I wanted to depict them at the lower end of the supply “food chain”, so their horsecolours are less to regulation than with the other cavalry units I painted, with a higher number of light coloured horses. So to get a contrast I went for black sheepskin covers.

The minis are all from the Calpe range (except for the French casualty one of them is jumping his horse over, which comes from Perry). They are based for Republic to Empire and the pennants are from GMB (although I did bend them so much that I actually rubbed them thin and had to repaint them in many places). I have to say that I am happy, that this will be the last Silesian unit for this project. I was getting quiet sick with the yellow trim for the blue uniforms after painting three units of Silesian Landwehr already.

But now on to the photos. Please excuse the shine on the minis. The weather has really gotten poor here over the last few days and the varnish I use dries better with lots of UV light. But they will turn perfectly flat in a couple of weeks.

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (1st base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (1st base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (command base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (command base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (2nd base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (2nd base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (1st base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie (3rd base)

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie

5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie



Posted by on September 29, 2012 in Calpe, Nap.: Prussian, Napoleonic, Republic to Empire


18 responses to “5te Schlesische Landwehr Kavallerie

  1. vonpeterhimself

    September 29, 2012 at 00:22

    More Napoleonic goodness from you Burkhard. Bravo.

    Your output is most impressive. I’ve managed to paint one unit of Calpe Landwehr cavalry with two left in storage waiting to complete the brigade. All of mine are Neumarkers & Pommeranians so not so much yellow to paint for me.

    von Peter himself


    • Burkhard

      September 29, 2012 at 10:14

      Thank you vP!

      My output should go down in the near future though, due to a new job. What would I have given for Neumärker or Pommersche! Von Yorck´s advance guard at Leipzig almost exclusively contained Schlesier (yellow) or Brandenburger and Guard (red). Although at least I like red and blue!


  2. Monty

    September 29, 2012 at 03:02

    There is so much life in this unit! I especially love the base with the poor chap being jumped over.


    • Burkhard

      September 29, 2012 at 10:15

      Thank you Monty!

      I felt everyone could do a horse jumping a fence! 😉


  3. Michael Awdry

    September 29, 2012 at 09:29

    Tremendous, such character and movement in these.


    • Burkhard

      September 29, 2012 at 10:16

      Thank you! I found that the Calpe cavalry in charging poses are just marvelous when it comes to movement and animation. I already hate myself for also buying standing ones!


  4. Ray

    September 29, 2012 at 11:10

    Beautiful painting!


  5. John Michael

    September 29, 2012 at 13:01

    Very nice, but a very small unit for RtE does it represent just two squadrons.



    • Burkhard

      September 29, 2012 at 13:09

      Hi John,

      I have decided to go for a simpler method, since I always feel that squadrons does not really represent the strength of a unit do to different levels of attrition. Plus I feel that the rules are a bit unclear regarding how many bases or minis represent a squadron. So I just go with a 1:20 ratio.


  6. victorious secret

    September 29, 2012 at 15:54

    Hi Burkhard!! Wow another hit in such short time!



    • Burkhard

      September 29, 2012 at 16:05

      Thank you Ben.

      Although these were painted while the Napoloen base was sitting idle, waiting for the tuffs to arrive.


  7. victorious secret

    September 29, 2012 at 16:55

    very envious my friend, very envious. I would love to have a set soon. BTW, how’s the size of Calpe compare to Perry?



    • Burkhard

      September 29, 2012 at 17:56

      They are about the sime hight. The heft on the Calpe minis is stronger than with the Perrys, but I would say the difference is not too bad. The style of sculpting is different though. The Calpe minis have a stronger definition since Peter F. means them to be easily paintable with drybrushing techniques. If you look at this post: . The base for Major Klüx contains both Perry and Calpe minis. Maybe not the best coparison since Klüx is mounted (Perry) and the infantrymen are on foot (Calpe), but it should give you an idea.


  8. James Fisher

    October 31, 2012 at 03:33

    Beautiful figures; fabulous painting. Congratulations.



    • Burkhard

      October 31, 2012 at 22:04

      Thank you James… glad you liked them.


  9. Phil

    August 28, 2013 at 08:43

    Well done, a wonderful work with great details! The combo blus/yellow is really nice!



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